Source code for aspen.sounds.filtered_noise

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8
"""Filtered noise"""

from logging import getLogger
from typing import List, Sequence

import numpy as np

from aspen.interfaces.abs_common_interface import AbsCommonInterface
from aspen.interfaces.abs_sound_interface import AbsSoundInterface
from aspen.processings.declip import declip
from aspen.processings.filter_signal import filter_signal

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FilteredNoise(AbsCommonInterface, AbsSoundInterface): """Generate filtered noise. Args: filtered_noise_duration: The duration of filtered noise in millisecond. Defaults to [1000]. filtered_noise_btype: The type of filtering. The choices are `lowpass`, `highpass`, `bandpass` or `bandstop`. Defaults to ["bandpass"]. filtered_noise_filter_freq: Cutoff frequency to filter a noise in Hz. In the case of bandpass or bandstop, specify the lower/upper freqencies splitted by the underscore symbol (e.g. 800_1200). Defaults to ["800_1200"]. filtered_noise_filter_impulse_response: The type of impulse response for filtering noise. The choices are `fir` or `iir` that are a finite impulse response or infinite impulse response, respectively. Defaults to ["fir"]. filtered_noise_filter_order: The number of the filter order. Defaults to [512]. filtered_noise_filter_firwin: Type of FIR window. Window functions are listed in Scipy doc ( Defaults to ["hann"]. filtered_noise_num_signals: Number of signals. If this value greater than 2, the other arguments should contain 2 types. Defaults to 1. samp_freq: Sampling frequency. Defaults to 16000. """ def __init__( self, filtered_noise_duration: Sequence[float] = [1000], filtered_noise_btype: Sequence[str] = ["bandpass"], filtered_noise_filter_freq: Sequence[str] = ["800_1200"], filtered_noise_filter_impulse_response: Sequence[str] = ["fir"], filtered_noise_filter_order: Sequence[int] = [512], filtered_noise_filter_firwin: Sequence[str] = ["hann"], filtered_noise_num_signals: int = 1, samp_freq: int = 16000, ): self.duration = filtered_noise_duration self.btype = filtered_noise_btype self.filter_freq = filtered_noise_filter_freq self.filter_impulse_response = filtered_noise_filter_impulse_response self.filter_order = filtered_noise_filter_order self.filter_firwin = filtered_noise_filter_firwin self.num_signals = filtered_noise_num_signals self.samp_freq = samp_freq
[docs] @staticmethod def add_arguments(parser): group = parser.add_argument_group("Noise signals setting") group.add_argument( "--filtered-noise-duration", default=[1000], type=float, nargs="*", help="Duration of noise in millisecond", ) group.add_argument( "--filtered-noise-btype", default=["bandpass"], type=str, nargs="*", choices=[ "lowpass", "highpass", "bandpass", "bandstop", ], help="Type of filtering", ) group.add_argument( "--filtered-noise-filter-freq", default=["800_1200"], type=str, nargs="*", help="Cutoff frequency for filtering noise in Hz." "In the case of bandpass or bandstop," "specify the lower/upper freqencies splitted by the underscore symbol (e.g. 800_1200)", ) group.add_argument( "--filtered-noise-filter-impulse-response", default=["fir"], type=str, nargs="*", choices=["fir", "iir"], help="Type of impulse response for filtering noise", ) group.add_argument( "--filtered-noise-filter-order", default=[512], type=int, nargs="*", help="Number of the filter order", ) group.add_argument( "--filtered-noise-filter-firwin", default=["hann"], type=str, nargs="*", help="Type of FIR window for filtering noise." "Window function is listed in Scipy doc (", ) group.add_argument( "--filtered-noise-num-signals", type=int, default=1, help="Number of signals. If this value greater than 2," "the other arguments should contain 2 types.", ) return parser
[docs] def _generate_each(self, idx: int) -> np.ndarray: duration = int(self.duration[idx] * self.samp_freq / 1000) btype = self.btype[idx] filter_freq = self.filter_freq[idx] filter_impulse_response = self.filter_impulse_response[idx] filter_order = self.filter_order[idx] filter_firwin = self.filter_firwin[idx] x = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=[duration]).astype(np.float64) y = filter_signal( x, btype, filter_freq, filter_impulse_response, filter_order, filter_firwin, self.samp_freq, ) y = declip(y, 1.0) return y
[docs]def filtered_noise( duration: Sequence[float] = [1000], btype: Sequence[str] = ["bandpass"], filter_freq: Sequence[str] = ["800_1200"], filter_impulse_response: Sequence[str] = ["fir"], filter_order: Sequence[int] = [512], filter_firwin: Sequence[str] = ["hann"], num_signals: int = 1, samp_freq: int = 16000, ) -> List[np.ndarray]: """Generate filtered noise. Args: duration: The duration of filtered noise in millisecond. Defaults to [1000]. btype: The type of filtering. The choices are `lowpass`, `highpass`, `bandpass` or `bandstop`. Defaults to ["bandpass"]. filter_freq: Cutoff frequency to filter a noise in Hz. In the case of bandpass or bandstop, specify the lower/upper freqencies splitted by the underscore symbol (e.g. 800_1200). Defaults to ["800_1200"]. filter_impulse_response: The type of impulse response for filtering noise. The choices are `fir` or `iir` that are a finite impulse response or infinite impulse response, respectively. Defaults to ["fir"]. filter_order: The number of the filter order. Defaults to [512]. filter_firwin: Type of FIR window. Window functions are listed in Scipy doc ( Defaults to ["hann"]. num_signals: Number of signals. If this value greater than 2, the other arguments should contain 2 types. Defaults to 1. samp_freq: Sampling frequency. Defaults to 16000. Returns: Output signals. """ return FilteredNoise( duration, btype, filter_freq, filter_impulse_response, filter_order, filter_firwin, num_signals, samp_freq, )()